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SonicCouture Array Mbira KONTAKT 大拇指鋼琴 音色取樣 英文DVD版 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: SonicCouture Array Mbira KONTAKT DVDR
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型: 教學
更新日期: 2010.11.18
官方網站: http://www.soniccouture.com/en/products/g22-array-mbira
中文網站: http://twcd01.com
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

很特殊的PIANO音色 後現代的最新(大)拇指鋼琴 加入到JAZZ R&B 或者POP裏面 有意

The Grand ( Thumb ) Piano
The Mbira is originally a folk instrument from Africa. Sometimes called a
Thumb Piano, Sanza, or Kalimba, they are generally home-made and consist of
several metal tines attached to a gourd or piece of wood, which are then plucked
with the thumbs. They are mostly small, with a handful of notes.

Array Instruments, a U.S. company started by Bill Wesley and Patrick Hadley,
have taken the concept of this ancient African idiophone to a whole new level,
not only in terms of instrument design but also in purity of sound, and range
of pitch. The Array Mbira is no toy, it’s a highly advanced musical instrument
built to exacting speci?cations.

A different note system
All Array instruments are designed with a unique note arrangement, invented by
Bill Wesley to facilitate playing harmonically. Whereas a chromatic keyboard
places harmonic notes at some distance from each other, the Array system places
the most harmonic notes beside one another.

This also means that all octaves of a single note are beside one another, allowing
for octave “strumming” or doubling, which would be much more dif?cult on a
chromatic note layout. The Soniccouture Mbira instrument is of course chromatically
mapped, but we include a KSP Strummer script to emulate this aspect of the real

Very Low Bass
One of the things we love the most about the Array Mbira is its low end. This may
sound unlikely if youve only ever seen a traditional thumb piano, but just listen
to the demos - all the bass you hear there is from the Mbira - theres no additional
bass sounds layered there.

The large sound box ( this model is about 77 cm across ) allows for much deeper
pitches to be heard acoustically (the lowest fundamental on our model is in the
region of 33 Hz).

All Array Mbiras come equipped with a 2-channel piezo pickup system, allowing for
easy ampli?cation and line-out recording. The low end from the pickups alone is
surprisingly smooth and deep; combine it with mics and its booming.

Versatile, Expressive and Deep
The sound of the Array Mbira is at once familiar and unusual to our ears, and this
is the secret of its appeal. Sometimes you can hear something reminiscent of a
piano, and yet it is plucked and strummable like a guitar.

A chime or gong-like timbre is also in there, taking it further from either of
those instruments. Because of these comfortable sonic reference points, the Mbira
can be used in a wide variety of music, from jazz to electronica. The depth and
range of the Array Mbira also means it can comfortably hold its own playing complex
solo pieces .

It is truly an essential addition to any musicians color palette, and some well
known users include Ry Cooder, Emil


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